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Boeing 757-223

American Airlines Flight 77

Flight Origin

Washington Dulles International Airport Dulles, Virginia



Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles California(1)



58 (including 5 hijackers)(2)




Boeing 757-223

American Airlines Flight 175

Flight Origin

Washington Dulles International Airport Dulles, Virginia



Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles California(1)



58 (including 5 hijackers)(2)




Boeing 757-223

American Airlines Flight 11

Flight Origin

Washington Dulles International Airport Dulles, Virginia



Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles California(1)



58 (including 5 hijackers)(2)




Boeing 757-223

American Airlines Flight 93

Flight Origin

Washington Dulles International Airport Dulles, Virginia



Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles California(1)



58 (including 5 hijackers)(2)




The 9/11 Timeline

This interactive timeline tracks the events of September 11, 2001, when terrorist hijackers claimed thousands of lives by piloting commercial aircraft into the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and a grassy field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Tuesday September 11, 2001
Timeline Legend Timeline Legend Timeline Legend
  • Flight 77 Timeline Legend
  • Flight 175 Timeline Legend
    New York City
  • Flight 11 Timeline Legend
    New York City
  • Flight 93 Timeline Legend
    Shanksville, Pennsylvania

timeline timeline timeline timeline
Hijackers Pass Security Screening - photo
5:45 AM
Hijackers Pass Security Screening
Hijackers Board Flight 77 - photo
7:35 AM
Hijackers Board Flight 77
Flight 11 Departs from Boston - photo
7:59 AM
Flight 11 Departs from Boston
Flight 175 Departs from Boston - photo
8:14 AM
Flight 175 Departs from Boston
8:14 AM
Last Routine Communication with Flight 11
8:16 AM
Classes Begin in Shanksville
Flight 11 Crew Contacts Airline - photo
8:19 AM
Flight 11 Crew Contacts Airline
Flight 77 Departs from Washington Dulles International Airport - photo
8:20 AM
Flight 77 Departs from Washington Dulles International Airport
8:21 AM
Flight 11 Transponder Turned Off
8:23 AM
American Airlines Attempts to Contact Flight 11 Cockpit
8:24 AM
Hijacker Transmission
8:37 AM
Air Traffic Control Contacts the Military
Last Radio Communication with Flight 175
Flight 93 Takes Off - photo
8:42 AM
Flight 93 Takes Off
Crash of Flight 11 - photo
Crash of Flight 11
8:46 AM
Emergency Services Mobilize
8:50 AM
Alerting the President
8:51 AM
Last Radio Communication
8:54 AM
United Airlines Attempts to Contact Flight 175 Cockpit
8:55 AM
Unauthorized Turn South
8:59 AM
On Board Flight 175
8:56 AM
Transponder Turned Off
9:00 AM
Aircraft Detours Eastward
Crash of Flight 175 - photo
9:03 AM
Crash of Flight 175
9:05 AM
Alerting the President
9:05 AM
American Airlines HQ Aware that Flight 77 is Hijacked
On Board Flight 77 - photo
9:12 AM
On Board Flight 77
FAA New York Center Advises NEADS - photo
9:15 AM
FAA New York Center Advises NEADS
9:16 AM
American Airlines HQ Aware that Flight 11 Crashed into the WTC
9:20 AM
United Airlines HQ Aware that Flight 175 Crashed into the WTC
9:21 AM
FAA Boston Center Advises NEADS
9:24 AM
NEADS Deploys Fighter Jets
9:24 AM
Flight 93 Receives Warning
9:27 AM
Last Radio Communication with Flight 93
9:28 AM
Takeover of Flight 93
9:30 AM
NORAD Deploys Fighter Jets
9:32 AM
Duller Airport Tower Observes Radar of Fast moving Aircraft
9:32 AM
Threatening Language from Flight 93 Cockpit
9:32 AM
Flight 93 Crew Contacts United Airlines
Flight 77 Heads towards the Pentagon - photo
9:33 AM
Flight 77 Heads towards the Pentagon
9:34 AM
Federal Aviation Authority Advises that Flight 77 is Missing
Approach of Flight 77 - photo
9:34 AM
Approach of Flight 77
9:36 AM
Vice President Cheney Evacuated
Flight 77 Crashes into the Pentagon - photo
9:37 AM
Flight 77 Crashes into the Pentagon
9:41 AM
Transponder is Turned Off
The First Response - photo
9:42 AM
The First Response
9:42 AM
Nationwide Ground Stop
9:45 AM
Evacuation of the White House and U.S. Capitol
Arlingnton County Fire Department Assistant Chief Responds - photo
9:47 AM
Arlingnton County Fire Department Assistant Chief Responds
Incident Command Post Set Up at Pentagon - photo
9:50 AM
Incident Command Post Set Up at Pentagon
Passengers and Crew Make Vital Phone Calls - photo
9:50 AM
Passengers and Crew Make Vital Phone Calls
9:55 AM
President Bush Evacuated to Air Force One
9:57 AM
Fight for Flight 93
Collapse of the South Tower - photo
9:59 AM
Collapse of the South Tower
Crash of Flight 93 - photo
10:03 AM
Crash of Flight 93
10:06 AM
Shanksville Students Take Shelter
10:07 AM
Cleveland Center Notifies NEADS
Shanksville Volunteer Fire Company Responds - photo
10:08 AM
Shanksville Volunteer Fire Company Responds
10:10 AM
President George W. Bush Makes Statement
10:13 AM
Rescuers Evacuate the Pentagon
Collapse of the Pentagon E Ring - photo
10:15 AM
Collapse of the Pentagon E Ring
10:15 AM
United Airlines and NEADS Aware of Crash in Pennsylvania
Evacuation of the Pentagon - photo
10:20 AM
Evacuation of the Pentagon
10:28 AM
Collapse of North Tower
American Airlines HQ Confirms Pentagon Crash - photo
10:30 AM
American Airlines HQ Confirms Pentagon Crash
Pentagon First Responders Return to Building - photo
Pentagon First Responders Return to Building
Evacuation of Lower Manhattan - photo
11:02 AM
Evacuation of Lower Manhattan
American Air Space Cleared - photo
12:16 AM
American Air Space Cleared
2:50 AM
President Bush Returns to the White House
2:50 AM
Evidence Points to al Qaeda
5:20 PM
Collapse of 7 WTC
6:00 PM
Pennsylvania Governor Conducts Press Conference
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld Holds Press Conference - photo
6:42 PM
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld Holds Press Conference
President Bush Addressed the Nation - photo
8:30 PM
President Bush Addressed the Nation
Pentagon Fire Extinguished - photo
Sept. 21, 2001
Pentagon Fire Extinguished
Death of Osama bin Laden - photo
May 02, 2011
Death of Osama bin Laden