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9/11 Pentagon Memorial Heroes

Angela M. Houtz

Born September 6, 1974, 27 years old

Angela was born September 6, 1974 in La Plata, Maryland. She was educated at local schools, graduating as salutatorian of Maurice J. McDonough High School in 1992. She was awarded a full scholarship in the humanities program at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), in the first year it was offered. As part of this program, she also studied abroad. 

Angela interned with the Office of Naval Intelligence in Suitland, Maryland and was offered a permanent position following graduation from UMBC. She worked as a regional analyst, specializing in Latin American affairs and traveled extensively. 

She was recommended for a position in the Pentagon, working for the Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot, where she also served as the Naval Intelligence Watch Officer in the Navy Command Center. Following this assignment, she returned to work at Suitland and the Office of Naval Intelligence, working there until her most recent appointment as Senior Analyst at the Pentagon. 

Angela was extremely active in her church and involved in many programs with special attention to feeding the homeless. She was dedicated to her family and friends, loved her country and her job, and was considered a “shipmate” by her Navy co-workers. 

This list, written by Angie, was found in her desk. It reflects her character. It is the way she lived her life. 

Things I Learned in CNO-IP:

1. Always give 100%.
2. Listen. 
3. Care about each other as individuals. Be loyal. 
4. Do not tolerate sloppy, lazy or incomplete work. 
5. Support your boss. Think ahead. 
6. Remember your actions reflect on your office as a whole. 
7. Always strive to be of service. Reject an “it’s not my lane in the road” attitude. 
8. Work hard, play hard. 
9. Laugh. 
10. Be quick to praise. 
11. Be honest. 

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9/11 Pentagon Memorial Heroes

Meet the Heroes

The Pentagon Memorial was created to remember and honor those family members and friends who are no longer with us because of the events of September 11th, 2001 at the Pentagon.